Let God Make Your Pentecost personal!

We need a CULTURE OF PENTECOST! Get all the content you need to prepare yourself and your friends for a summer of Pentecost formation.

Awakening the Domestic Church brings you a powerful bundle of video series and prayer tools, delivered by CMAX.TV, themed to Pentecost! This is our biggest Pentecost bundle ever! Presenters include: Cardinal Cantalamessa, Dr. Ralph Martin, Dr. Mary Healy, Damian Stayne, Jean-Luc Moens, John Michael Talbott, Fr. John Crossin, Deacon Darrell Wentworth, Stefan Smart, and many more!


The bundle includes over 40 hours of educational and prayer videos and a downloadable printable Ecumenical Novena to the Holy Spirit.

The bundle is available as a one-time rental for $25 for 3 months OR available to any CMAX subscriber for only $13/month.

You may watch these videos with a small group up to 10 people; larger groups, contact Awakening the Domestic Church for licensing. 

Get the Pentecost Video and Prayer Bundle Now.